Action Stations in Action


During action stations today we looked at our SMARTS tracking sheet.  We looked at stations that we went on alot and others we didn't go on very often.  We decided today that we would try a new activity that we had not been on much.

This group of children enjoyed 'Create a Jingle' playing music to a well loved christmas carol.

We would love to know what you think.  Please click on the photo to watch the children perform.

 Harry, Rachael, Claire and Ajay performing their jingle!

Action Station is such a fun learning time.  We are focussing on working together and participating to share in our learning.

Here are some of the latest photos, that the children using the iPads have taken, showing some of there classmates participating and working together.

Here Harry is trying to improve his hula hooping skills by practising and persevering.

Glenn and Sam are working together to get the body rocker see-sawing using the ropes and the their bodies.

Leila is using the pipe cleaners to create a picture of her family.  This is good for her fine motor skills and hand-eye co-ordination.

Izaac and Lewis are working together to co-ordinate the passing of the hula hoops to each other in different ways.  Lots of talk and practise went on here.

Isaac is using his time to investigate items on our nature table by using the magnifying glass.

Brooke is practising her writing as the 'teacher' in Room 0.  We like to do lots of learning in Room 0!


  1. Wow! What great fun you have at Action Stations! Keep up the good work Room 5! From Mana and his mum (Megan)

  2. I wish we had Action Stations! It looks like super-duper fun! From Emily in room 13

  3. wow! that looks fun, doing action stations. From Jemma in room 8!
