Saturday 1 June 2013

Our Aquarium Trip

As part of our Inquiry topic this year 'Our Living World' we had a junior team trip to the Aquarium.  We got to see, touch and hear about lots of sea life.  We got to go in the yellow submarine and found out that we were really being 'Scientists' by looking, classifying and recognising all the different things we saw.  We learnt about Molluscs, Crustaceans and Echinoderm.
The touch tanks were a favourite although some children took longer to gather courage to touch the crabs, anemone, sea stars and other life that were in them.

Yesterday Room 5 went to the Aquarium.  The bus went bumpity bump to the Aquarium.  I liked touching a prickly starfish in the touch tank.
By Daniel

The bus went bumping along.  We went to the Aquarium.  There was a giant squid and it was hanging from the roof.
By Sam

The bus went bumpty bump along the road.  I saw some little sharks.  They were wiggling their tails.
By Maia
On Monday I went on to the bus with my class to travel to the awesome Aquarium.  We saw a lot of stuff.  We went down a path into a submarine.  We did not get to go under the water.  The submarine was yellowy.  We got to watch a video in the submarine.  Then my class walked on to the bus.  We walked back into school.
By Leila
On Monday my fabulous class bumpity bumped to the awesome Aquarium.  I adore the sharks.  I loved the sharks because they had sharp teeth.
By Mana

On Monday Room 5 travelled to the amazing Aquarium.  They had awesome crabs.  My favourite crab was called a Hermit Crab.  This crab had a spiral on its shell and my favourite thing about it is its camouflage.  I adore the crabs because they have amazing nippers.
By Ted
On Monday my favourite were the sea horses.  I like the sea horse and we zoomed to the Aquarium.  I liked the Aquarium.
By Glenn 

On Monday the Room 5 Risktakers walked on the bus and made it to the wonderful Aquarium.  They saw fabulous Room 7 come out of the submarine.  Then we got to go inside the awesome submarine and watch a video 'Under the Sea'.  Lastly we went to the touching tanks.  I liked the snail because you can not easily get it off.
By Alice
On Monday my class bumpty bumped, on the bus, to the Aquarium.
At the end we walked to the submarine.  The light went out then we watched a video about the ocean.
By Olive
On Monday, fabulous Aquarium day, we raced onto the submarine.  We saw fish in the submarine.
By Izaac

We got to do a sea life classification activity.

The three types of sea life we had to classify were:

Crustacean: Animals with crusty outsides and jointed legs.

Echinoderm: Animals with tube feet and spiny skin.

Mollusc: Animals with a shell and one bug sucker foot.

I liked the sea anemone because they are spongy.  It was like a piece of fluff.
By Lewis

On Monday a white and yellow bus took us to the Aquarium.  I saw a crusty crab in the touch tanks.
By Marley

On Monday it was the Aquarium trip.  We zoomed on the bumpity bumpy bus and we played eye spy with Mana's mum.  The bus ride went for a long time and then finally we got there.  I felt excited because the bus ride was fun.
By Safia


  1. Great writing guys! I loved all the descriptions of what you did at the aquarium. Especially the bumpity bump of the bus! When I picked up Alice you all looked busy and engaged in learning about the different sea creatures at the aquarium!
    Thanks for sharing
    Ruth (Alice's Mum)

  2. It looks like you had such a fantastic day learning at the aquarium! I loved your descriptions and your recounts very much! You have certainly described the critters that you saw really well!

  3. What a nice way to share your adventure to the aquarium. I loved reading your comments. The pictures were great I know Brooke enjoyed her trip.
    Robyn (Brooke's Nana)

  4. What fabulous writing you have done Room 5.

    Jo (lucy's Mum)
