Saturday 1 June 2013

Snow Day - 28th May 2013

We were so lucky to wake up and find a huge dumping of snow in the night.  The air was cool and the school was closed so what did the class think about it?  What did everyone get up to?  Have a read here.

First I looked outside, there was a lot of snow. I went outside. I got some snow and made some walls, I made a roof and I made an igloo. I went inside and we watched mum on T.V.
By Mana

A snowy day on May the 28th. It was very snowy.  It was my birthday. When I got up I came down the stairs and my mum and dad sang happy birthday to me. Then they lead me outside where there was snow. I said what they said, “its been snowing outside”!

By Emily-Rose

I woke up in the morning and I got dressed. I put my gloves on and then I went outside to play snow bombs. I made two snowmen and it was very cold.

By Safia

Yesterday I drove home in the car, then WOW! There was snow everywhere.  I could not believe my eyes.  I quickly ran inside.  Then I tiptoed outside and jumped on the trampoline.  I adore snow because I can chuck it at Lewis.

By Olive

Yesterday in the snow I built a snowman. We put stones on him for buttons. We used a carrot for his nose.

By Brooke.

In the awesome snow I had a snow fight with Lewis. . After that we watched a movie called ‘Despicable Me’. Then we had popcorn. After the movie we went outside and made a snowman.

By Ben

It was a fabulous snow day on Tuesday. It was snowing when I woke up. First when it was snowing I put my warm clothes on. I went outside to eat the snow. It was freezing.  I ran until I found snow on the table.

By Isabella

Yesterday I made a snowman and I made it with my Nana. I made a little ball for the head and then I made a big ball for the body.

By Marley

Yesterday I had a fabulous snow fight. On the way up the hill I threw a big snowball at Ben. Next I had a shower.

By Lewis

Yesterday I went outside and collected some snow at my next-door neighbours. We made a fantastic dog. Emily my big sister came and helped. We also made an awesome snowman. We made a bird, a cat and some trees. This is how we made the trees. You fill up a bucket with snow then you tip it over like a snow castle. Then you have a tree. After we made the trees we added the finishing touches. It was more snow, to make it bigger.

By Alice

Cool, it is snowing!  First me and Tahlia threw some snow. Next we made a snowman.  Then we had another snow fight.  Dad came home then.  I love snow!

By Poppy

Yesterday I played in the snow.  I made a snowman with Harry and Maia.  First I started to make the head.  I asked my Mum if she had a carrot but we didn’t have any carrots.  We used dates for the eyes.  The snow felt cold. I had fun because I got to make a snowman.  The snow was white.  Luca and Dad had a snowball fight.

By Leila

On Tuesday it was amazing that it was snowing.  I whipped my clothes on and charged outside.  Then I got my snow board out.  I raced down the hill and when I got down I fell off.

By Izaac T


  1. Wow Room 5, we loved reading your snow stories. You all had so much fun in the snow. - Poppy, Tahlia and Miss Reece

  2. I am glad you all enjoyed the snow! It was very cold and some parents I am sure wanted to stay inside and keep warm! :) Alice's snow man finally disappeared on Friday! That was cool!
    Thanks again for sharing!
    Regards Ruth

  3. Hi Isabella

    How did the snow taste?

    Chris (Dad)

  4. yummy thanks dad

    from Isabella
